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Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection (Privacy Policy)


When we provide products, services, etc. to our customers, we may ask you to provide personal information. We are deeply aware of the importance of protecting your personal information and believe that it is impossible to have a sound relationship with you without protecting your personal information. In order to build a relationship of trust with our customers, we will publish our privacy policy here.


1. 1. We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than the following.

I. To inform you about the products and services we handle or the holding of various events and campaigns by mail, telephone, e-mail, etc.

Ii. Conduct a questionnaire survey to develop products or consider measures to improve customer satisfaction.

Iii. Credit judgment and credit management

Iv. To provide the following personal information to our affiliates in writing or electronically. However, we will stop providing it to a third party at the request of the person.

Items to be provided: Address, name, date of birth, telephone number, and information regarding transactions with customers


2. 2. We will not provide your personal information to other companies or third parties unless there is a valid reason, except for the destinations specified in 1-iv. Above. However, if the customer or the customer's guarantor falls under any of the following items, the personal information of the customer shall be used jointly in order to be used as reference material for credit judgment and post-contract transactions between our affiliated companies. there is.

I. If the bill or check drawn to us is rejected and payment is suspended.

Ii. If you request us to defer partial or full payment and we respond accordingly

Iii. When payment to us is delayed due to customer's convenience in individual transactions with us

Iv. When filing a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, company reorganization, special liquidation, etc., or when the business license is revoked by the regulatory agency

Information to be shared is limited to address, name, date of birth, telephone number, place of employment, contract date of the contract, product name, contract amount, number of payments, contract balance, monthly payment status, etc.

The person in charge of managing the shared use of customer's personal information shall be our company.


3. 3. If the customer wishes to confirm or correct his / her personal information, we will respond to the disclosure by submitting a document specified by us. Please contact us for information on how to obtain documents such as disclosure requests.


4. Contact point for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

I. Our general window (℡06-7878-8360)


5. We will comply with Japanese laws and regulations related to the handling of your personal information and other norms.


6. We will endeavor to prevent risks such as leakage, falsification, and loss by taking appropriate safety measures for your personal information.


7. We regularly audit the handling of personal information and strive for continuous improvement.

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